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美国运输部(DOT)于2018年11月27日发布了一项修订现行锂电池法规的提案,该提案的编号为83 Fed. Reg. 60970。该规定预计将于2020年1月1日正式生效。

The Department of Transportation (DOT) published a proposed rule, 83 Fed. Reg. 60970 (November 27, 2018) which amends the current lithium battery regulation. The proposed rule is expected to be finalized and to go into effect on January 1, 2020.



According to sub-section 38.3 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, lithium batteries must be subject to a series of design tests. Downstream shippers and consumers often cannot confirm if their battery was successfully tested. Under the regulation, all manufacturers and subsequent distributers of lithium batteries must provide lithium battery test summaries (TS) using a standard set of elements and be made available to others in the supply chain.

沃尔玛要求  WERCSmart requirement 


Effective June 28, 2019 — All new registrations added into WERCSmart that are lithium batteries or lithium battery-containing products will require test summary documentation as part of your registration.


Effective August 1, 2019 — All existing registrations in WERCSmart that are lithium batteries or lithium battery-containing products will be SUSPENDED and will appear as “NEEDS ATTENTION” in your dashboard. Providing test summary documentation in WERCSmart ensures compliance when retailers are shipping your products.

注意 Note:

- 建议任何含有电池的产品供应商登录账户重新认证他们的产品,以确保与他们的产品相关的锂电池(ies)能适当更新。

It is suggested that any battery-containing product supplier login to recertify their items in order to ensure the lithium battery(ies) associated to their items have been appropriately updated.

- 如果电池没有电池制造商提供的UN38.3测试文档,则在电池测试文档解决之前,不允许将包含电池的产品转发给新的零售商、添加UPC或更新。

If the battery does not have the UN38.3 testing document provided by the battery manufacturer, the battery-containing products will not be permitted to be forwarded to a new retailer, have a UPC added, or otherwise be updated until the battery test summary documentation has been resolved.

- 需要重新认证UN38.3测试的电池产品将要与其电池制造商合作,以解决与WERCSmart中电池注册相关的问题。

Battery-containing products that have recertification for UN38.3 testing summaries will need to work with their battery-manufacturer to resolve the issue related to the battery registration in WERCSmart.

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  • 佳能
  • 容量测试
  • 企业团队
  • UN38.3认证
  • CB认证
  • UL认证