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锂电池KC认证小知识 Knowledge of lithium battery KC certification



Knowledge of lithium battery KC certification

1. 锂电池KC认证的适用范围

Scope of lithium battery KC certification


Suitable for lithium battery of portable products

2. 使用标准:KC62133


3. 移动电源怎么申请KC?

How to apply for KC for power bank?


The same as ordinary lithium batteries, only used the standard of KC62133, but wiring is required for sample delivery. If you use CB to transfer KC, only need the CB certificate of IEC62133 standard.

4. 锂电池KC认证是否接受分段测试?

Does the lithium battery KC certification accept segmentation testing?


KTC does not accept segmentation test, even if the specification is written in a segmentation method, Korea only uses one parameter to test, but use CB report and certificate to apply KC certificate, the segmentation data of CB report can be acceptable.

5. KC证书是否可以转移?

Can the KC certificate be transferred?


The same model, the same factory, Korea agent and factory can’t hold the certificate at the same time, if the original holder is Korean agent, it can be transferred to the factory to hold the certificate, but if the original holder is factory, it can’t be transferred to the Korean agent to hold the certificate.

6. 如果电池很小,标签打不完怎么办?

What if the battery is too small and can’t print all information of label?

可以只打证书号,KC Logo,型号,其他打包装件上

You can only print the certificate number, KC Logo and model on the battery and print other information on packages.

7. 证书做了变更,可是样品已经打了旧的证书号怎么办?

The certificate has been changed, but what if the sample has already been used for the old certificate number?

如证书号为:XU100792-18018A   标签可以只打前面的XU100792-18018,不用打后面的字母A,因为每次修改证书,后面的字母都会变化

For example, if the certificate number is: XU100792-18018A, the label can only be used in front of certificate number  XU100792-18018, without the letter A, because each time the certificate is modified, the following letters will be changed.

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